
Adult Learn to Row

This non-competitive program is designed to teach beginners the sport of rowing and for those experienced to expand their skills and endurance. Sweeping and sculling will be taught. Participants will be exposed to large and small boats and will build general endurance and develop speed and strength. This program is recreational but can be a great stepping stone to becoming a competitive Masters rower. For ages 18 and up.


This competitive program is designed to get participants ready to compete in 1000 metre races in the summer and 5 kilometre head races in the fall. The focus is on building endurance, strength, speed, and increasing skill levels. It requires water training 4 to five times a week and out of town travel. Some regatta fees are included. Out of town travel and hotel rooms are not included.  For ages 21 and up with previous rowing experience. You may be assessed by the Head Coach.